The acquisition of the developer Clash of Clans in exchange for $ 8.6 billion

It is no secret one of the great success of the game Clash of Clans development Supercell team they are, and since its launch in 2012 of smart devices and is investigating more revenue for the team also contributed to the increase of his fame which prompted today's company Tencent Chinese to conclude a deal under which acquires development team Supercell compared to $ 8.6 billion, which means that the company now owns 84.3% of its shares.
Ikka Paananen was made executive director of the studio Supercell made a statement about the transaction in which he said:

For us today represents a point of continuing to seek to get to the future of Supercell we          dream, we have established this company in order to work on the fantastic games enjoy Belaha all the players for decades, we have been fortunate over the past six years since we launched the four games that the Belaha more than 100 million players per day.

We dream that our games become current and the next part of the rich history of the Games and to live in the long term, and if we look at is a long-term then you will realize that we are now we are still at the beginning of what we hope will be a long journey in developing games.

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