The Division Update Nerfs Popular G36 Assault Rifle

The Division Update Nerfs Popular G36 Assault Rifle
After two free content updates in April and May, Tom Clancy’s The Division released its first major paid expansion a couple of weeks ago on the Xbox One and PC. The update introduced new gear sets, new weapons, a new Incursion mission, and brand new content called Underground operations for players to complete. Unfortunately, a number of problems and unforeseen issues arose after the launch of the expansion, and Massive has been working to correct things, including the unintentional boost to a particular assault rifle known as the G36. As planned, Massive Entertainment has brought down the servers for The Division this morning which began at 4am EDT in order to apply a new update for the game. The hot fix promises to update a number of items, but the main change comes to the currently popular G36 Assault Rifle. Since getting boosted by the Underground expansion, the deadly weapon has become a player favorite choice, and with this update, it’s now 15% less potent.
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The full changelist can be found below:
  • Reduced the base damage of all G36 Assault Rifles by 15%.
  • Fixed a bug where named weapons could not have its talents recalibrated.
  • Fixed a bug where the Megamap would not open for some players.
  • Fixed a bug where using the Evacuation Point in Underground before the new Objective Notification has appeared caused the mission UI to break.
  • Fixed a bug where the AlphaBridge Gloves could miss some of its attributes. Note: this change is retroactive, which means that all attributes on existing AlphaBridge Gloves will be rerolled.
  • Fixed a bug where the game music would stop completely when logging out while inside an Incursion.
  • Fixed a bug where recalibrating the last Talent on the PP-19 submachinegun would not yield a free Talent.
  • Fixed a bug where the Sentry Gear Set bonus would incorrectly apply when using The Showstopper automatic shotgun.
  • Fixed a bug where using a Signature Skill could cause the visual effect to be applied to all nearby players (not just group members).
  • Fixed a bug where weapon talents could stack indefinitely while using the Alpha-Bridge Gear Set 4-piece bonus.
  • Fixed a bug where recalibrating weapon talents would yield a random bonus, instead of the one selected in the UI.
  • Fixed a bug where players would die when returning to certain missions after respawning in a safe house.
  • Fixed a bug where PC players would be able to use multiple consumables at the same time.
This ins’t the first time a nerf has been brought down on popular gear in The Division for the sake of game balance. Just recently in the major 1.3 Update which brought along the Underground content, also introduced a number of weapon balancing and changes to arrive in the game. The G36 was one of the new weapons, bringing along the talent, focused, which granted a damage increase percentage when skills were not on a cooldown. What Massive didn’t realize is that the weapon would soon become the de facto choice for players looking to unleash a lot of damage very quickly.
Were you using the G36 at all? Are you still planning to use it in the wake of the nerf or are you planning to jump to a different weapon? Let us know what you think down in the comments.
Tom Clancy’s The Division is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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