Family Guy, Futurama and More Team Up for Hearthstone-Style Game

Over the last decade and a half, Fox has looked to capitalize on the success of its animated television shows by creating video game spin-offs. Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse was released in 2012, mobile game Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff saw mobile gamers restore Quahog in 2014 and futuristic comedy Futurama also got a spin-off of its own in 2003. In fact, Fox characters have even shown up in other popular video games, with The Simpsons characters being added to Minecraft.
Next in Fox’s video game spin-off plans is a game that features characters from several of its hit animated TV shows, rather than a game that focused on one show itself. Called Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards, it’s described as “a new collectible-card mobile game.” (Little Alchemist developer) Chinzilla Games and (Spellstone developer) Synapse Games are co-developing the title, while Kongregate is on publishing duties.
Kongregate reveals that five different Fox shows will be featured in The Quest for Cards, including Bob’s Burgers, Family Guy, King of the Hill, Futurama and American Dad! Unfortunately The Simpsons won’t be in the game, likely because the show already has its own card game in The Simpsons: Tapped Out (which is published by EA).
Family Guy
Rick Phillips, the Executive Vice–President, Fox Digital Entertainment, explains that “in Animation Throwdown, Peter Griffin will duke it out with Bob Belcher, or Leela, or even Hank Hill. Fans get to select their all-star lineup in this inventive, genre-bending game.” Players will be able to create the “ultimate show-themed deck” and compete against their friends, and Kongregate also adds that “Animation Throwdown draws inspiration by combining the most popular gameplay elements of [Synapse and Chinzilla’s] titles into a single franchise.”
While animation aficionados will certainly be eager to download The Quest for Cards when it lands on iOS and Android later this year, the big question is just how will the game compete against other collectible card titles? Blizzard’s collectible card title Hearthstone makes $20 million a month and is a huge hit with hardcore collectible card game players, while Supercell’s Clash Royale massively appeals to casual mobile gamers and makes (an estimated) $300,000 a day.
The Quest for Cards will also soon have The Elder Scrolls Legends to go up against and, at E3 2016, The Witcher 3 developer CD Projekt RED formally unveiled Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, another title which could potentially divert attention from the animated Fox title.
Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards will be released on iOS and Android devices in Q3 2016.

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