The Turing Test review

About the Game
Game Puzzle perspective of someone first set in Europa (a moon of Jupiter), a moon iced. The story of the game begins after the receipt of a letter from the members of your team who work with you, and they know the risk and start your journey to reach them. Then start the game, a game purely mysteries, there is nothing but solving puzzles do.Positives

The beginning of a beautiful game, the landing of the moon Europa and begin to search for colleagues who want to save them in the snow moon, which for some reason a beautiful despite the task that he feels lonely. Add to that music that accompany the beginning of the game, a beautiful piano melodies.
The mysteries of medium difficulty is not impossible nor absurd Balassabp easy task, there are puzzles you can solve it in a matter of minutes, and there are mysteries took me longer than that.
Conversations that occur between the main character and the automated companion T.O.M interesting conversations, and are listed after most of the puzzles you solve.
The appearance of a beautiful game, and perhaps consider it an achievement for a small developer like the game developer.

The game changed much for the beautiful beginning, the game becomes repetitive and boring.
Most of the novel is the story by listening while you play, whether through conversations with T.O.M or listening to tapes can be found in the game. There are no scenes like the scenes that I saw at the beginning of the game, which made me feel that the game will continue as well.
How to play and become very boring, what the ends of the solution to the puzzle, but the other starts to dissolve. I wished that there are some more periods of change, such as the development of places to explore or scenes or anything separate me a little bit about solving puzzles (every five puzzles, for example), but unfortunately these periods, but do not come late.
Game purely mysteries, once finished solve the puzzle and find yourself only replace the other. The game starts beautifully and promising, but the game starts iterates slowly, notes that the puzzles follow the same way with minor differences, and even the music happen very often. I liked the game a beautiful appearance, and some philosophical talks.

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