Pokemon Go Plus Guide


Pokemon Go Plus is finally arriving into the hands of consumers, but what does it do and how does it work? As most things go with the popular app, how to use the device isn't entirely explained to you. That's why we've created a guide to give you the basics on what you need to know about Pokemon Go Plus. Below you can find detailed sections outlining what it can do for you, how to interact with the device, and quick tips to keep in mind as you play.
Got any useful info or tips to offer about Pokemon Go Plus that you don't see here? Let us know in the comments below!

What You Need to Know

Pokemon Go Plus is a small wearable device that allows you to capture Pokemon and interact with PokeStops without having to look down at your phone. It can also the track distance you travel for your Pokemon Eggs and Buddies. The device is handy if you're looking to make progress in Pokemon Go during moments that you can't look down at your phone. However, the device is in no way mandatory to access any new features within the game.

How to Sync Pokemon Go Plus

  1. To sync Pokemon Go Plus with your phone, enable bluetooth and launch Pokemon Go.
  2. Go to the main menu by tapping the Poke Ball at the bottom of the screen.
  3. At the top right, touch the Settings icon and then choose the Pokemon Go Plus option.
  4. Press the function button on the Plus to make it discoverable by your phone's blutooth.
  5. Choose Pokemon Go Plus under the Available Devices list and the Plus should vibrate when connected.
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General Use

Interacting with PokeStops
When within the range of a PokeStop, the Plus will flash blue and vibrate. To search and obtain the PokeStop's items, simply press the Plus's function button. If successful, it'll flash multiple colors.
Catching Pokemon
If a Pokemon is nearby, the Plus will vibrate and either flash green or yellow. To throw a Poke Ball at a nearby Pokemon, press the Plus's function button. This causes the device to pulse and vibrate. If the Pokemon runs away, the Plus will flash red 3 times; but if the capture is successfully, the device will flash multiple colors.
It's important to note that the Plus only throws normal Poke Balls at Pokemon. Currently, there's no way to set the device to throw Great Balls, Ultra Balls, or Master Balls. It's also not possible to throw Razz Berries just by using the Plus alone; you need to access your phone to do so.

Quick Tips and What to Keep in Mind

  • The app must be running to use Pokemon Go Plus.
  • Every once in a while, Pokemon Go Plus may disconnect from your phone. To reconnect it, touch the Pokemon Go Plus icon. The device will vibrate when reconnected. If the problem persists, reconnect it through the Settings menu.
  • Check your journal often when using the Plus see what Pokemon you've captured or what items you've gained from PokeStops.

Quick Reference: What Each Flashing Color Means

As you use Pokemon Go Plus, it'll flash a variety of different colors to indicate when something is happening. Below is a quick reference guide covering what each color means, along with what it means when it's vibrating or not.
  • Blue: You're currently passing by a PokeStop or one that's currently in-range.
  • Green: You've encountered a Pokemon that you've caught before.
  • Yellow: You've encountered a Pokemon that you've never caught before.
  • White While Catching: Pokemon is in Poke Ball; it will either remain inside or break out.
  • Red (Pulse 3 Times): The Pokemon has run away.
  • Red (Solid): You have moved out of range of Pokemon or PokeStop, your item/Pokemon storage is full, or you're out of Poke Balls.
  • Multi-Colored Flashing: You've successfully caught a Pokemon or successfully acquired items from a PokeStop.
  • No Light: Plus is paired and connected to a phone.
No Vibration
  • Blue: Plus is paired with a device but not connected.
  • White: Plus is not paired with a device.

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