Forza Horizon 3 review

MuhammadLela-Forza Horizon 3 
About the Game
Forza Horizon series is a series of sub-games series famous Forza racing. Forza series differ Horizon from the original Forza being a series of games of her world open and contain the activities and tasks such as configuring festivals race and cracking regulations placed sporadically throughout the game world and driving at speeds of insane and doing gestures exhibition, and all those activities give you experience points the evolution of their abilities and money to buy her a new car or the development of the car.Positives

Choose Australia as the location for the events of the game and its activities had been successful, and a variety of different Fbaitha There is a green agricultural environments desert environments and there are urban environments. All these environments help to do certain activities, such as "Alttaas" in desert environments :)
A huge and diversified content so you can participate in the usual races, and you can work other activities such as searching for rare classic cars, or cracking strewn in the game regulations, or configure racing.
Finally, toy cars open world does not bother me where the large number of cars in their world. Most open-world car games bothering me the cars driven by the general public, they are often troublesome and many so you can not drive properly Worse, many of them decide Alanatef right or left suddenly .. and end up a terrible accident and missed my time.
There are no accidents, all accidents are just a quick Asaddam no more, unlike most cars that make you feel the incident is exaggerated games, are the scene of the accident Ballqtat slow mode, then be re-show you in the game world again after a waiting period do not need them at all.
Perhaps the most activity I liked about the game is the activities Bucket List, a variety of activities, Fmrat ask you reach a certain point at a specific time certain car, and again ask you Altvhit to be up to a certain number of points, or that is doing a "rinse" of the cars to be up to the number a certain amount of experience points.
Try to persuade the player to change the cars properly. When you open a certain area, the game will be to propose a certain number of cars, all of which are environmentally friendly. For example, desert environments are proposing you cars, "basin", and how much was "Alttaas" the fun!
Support the game to Play Anywhere system is a system from Microsoft allows you to get the game on two platforms compared to the price on one platform: your PC and your xbox one in exchange for $ 60 only.

If you players Forza Horizon 2, often feel that the game is similar to a large extent for the second part.
PC version devices suffer from many problems, and a copy xbox one also suffers from some problems. One of the problems encountered were as follows: When do I stop the car completely, I notice the environment around me changed suddenly and then back again to what it was, as if the game you want to change some of the tires and then back away from it and re-position the previous frames again.
Like all the cars that I've played games, the game fails to clarify the trees and things that you can not fly them into the car stopped completely because of it. There you can fly them into trees and broken and continue to drive, and there are trees .. Tsdamha you will find yourself standing where you are, there is no clear sign of distinction between them.
Since the revelation of the game to the day (a week) I could not play online with my friends, every time you try to log servers in the game and put with each other fail, knowing that I was playing all other games online and properly and without any problems. Deleted after confirmation of a problem in my copy
She gave me Forza Horizon 3 experience that I came for her: a beautiful open world contains a vast number of different and interesting activities. There are regular races, there Find classic cars, and there are races Bucket List brilliant, as well as a large and diverse number of cars, with an attempt to persuade the player to experience different cars in different environments. If you're looking for toy cars focus on the fun and challenge, tolerant do not focus too much on realism, there is no game Forza Horizon compete on it.

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