The Walking Dead Game's Season 3 Debuts in November

Image result for The Walking Dead Season 3 The Walking Dead: Season Three premieres this November, Telltale Games announced at its PAX panel today. The new season is set a few years after Season 2 and follows series protagonist Clementine and new character Javier.
Both Clementine and Javier are playable in the upcoming season. Despite their differing pasts, they both struggle to protect their loved ones. Executive producer Kevin Boyle says, "Javier will begin to unravel the mystery of who Clementine has become, as her story intersects with his--both of them still driven by the things they value most long after society's collapse."
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A "Season Pass Disc" for PS4 and Xbox One will be available for purchase, in addition to digital copies. You'll still need an internet connection, as the disc only includes the first episode and requires you to download the rest of them. No specific release date was announced for the first episode.
The Walking Dead: Season Three comes to PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Mac, and mobile platforms in November. The third season will feature the same formula as past games in the series

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