review: Seasons After Fall

About the Game

Game two dimensional puzzles and platforms purely, without any enemies or the possibility of defeat. Controlled by Butlab in forests and caves and others in a fantasy world, and solve puzzles by switching the seasons.Positives

Solve the puzzles by changing seasons is a good idea and logical to a large extent, winter is freezing water, and in the autumn makes the fungus grows and wind move and so on.
Beautiful drawings and paintings like a board, and the fox and the movement of the grass when you walk by the beautiful. As well as each chapter of the four-year significantly alter the look of the place.
Music and audio performance are good and They add to the technical nature of the game.
A fictional story and a simple view, by people who speak to you, and without a long movie clips. Control is limited to move right and left, jump, Alillah (the voice of a fox) and switch classes.

A little slow in responding when you switch direction and jumping, which means that some hops harder than it should be. Also change chapters annoying in this game and is going to do very much, you must press the RT button and then choose the season, as he can use the four control buttons to change directly.
There is a map of the game world at all. Not asking to move quickly and map all the time your learning goals, but with the complexity of the game and being two-dimensional and lack of clarity of objectives and found the lack of a map is absolutely wasting your time without adding anything. Strick greatly changed the game became one of the areas without being clear where.
Game Cool and beautiful with a simple story. The challenge in low game and start slow, and will spend time in the movement and return to the previous places of more than Stamadah in solving puzzles. The fun you're looking for a relaxing game of art.

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