Thanks to the keen eye of an Xbox One gamer, Battlefield 1’s file size is revealed to be 43 GB, meaning gamers may have to clear some space to prepare for the shooter.
It’s the final stretch before the release of some of the year’s most highly anticipated games. Among the titles gamers are looking forward to the most is EA’s World War I shooter, Battlefield 1.Electronic Arts and DICE have been ramping up for the release of Battlefield 1 with an open beta and multiple trailers, including a new single-player campaign trailer that launched today. Additionally, it looks like Battlefield 1 is now available for pre-load on the Xbox One, offering gamers a reason to celebrate and clear some of the space from their hard drive.
According to NeoGAF user, Theorry, Xbox One owners can now download Battlefield 1, but may need to free up some space, seeing as the Great War title will take up 42.7 GB of space. While the Battlefield 1 file size for PC and PlayStation 4 haven’t been revealed yet, gamers on those systems can expect a similar file size and plan accordingly.

Those who picked up an Xbox One S recently shouldn’t have much trouble with the large file size, but those with legacy Xbox One consoles may have to delete some other items to make room. Battlefield 1 will be a tenth of the available 500 GB for many Xbox One owners.
The size of the game isn’t surprising, since the open beta required over six GB and only included one map and two game modes. With numerous maps and map variations for the different game modes, along with the single player campaign, the nearly 43 GB requirement seems about right.
Interestingly, EA’s most recent title, Star Wars Battlefront, rang in at only 19 GB on Xbox One, less than half that of Battlefield 1. Granted, Star Wars Battlefront didn’t include a single-player campaign, so gamers could presume Battlefield 1‘s size is primarily campaign assets.
At the same time, it’s important not to rule out the incredible visual detail in Battlefield 1. Like Star Wars Battlefront before it, Battlefield 1 promises to deliver a beautiful world full of stunning environments, set pieces, and gameplay.

With less than a month left until Battlefield 1 launches, those planning to pre-order the game are quickly running out of time. Those who have pre-ordered it should start thinking about pre-loading and clear out any space needed prior to doing so. Additionally, those Xbox One owners who are members of EA Access only have a couple weeks until the game releases for them. EA Access members will have an opportunity to try out five maps and a few game modes for 10 hours starting October 13th.
Battlefield 1 is set to launch October 20, 2016 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Limited access will be available to EA Access members on October 13th, and Early Enlister Deluxe Edition owners will be able to play October 18th.