Smite PS4/Xbox One Patch Adds a Character, Gives Another a Super Soaker

The latest update for Smite is now available on PS4 and Xbox One, the biggest component of which is a new character.
Terra was revealed last month as a rather complex Guardian. She's capable of healing nearby teammates, buffing her allies no matter where they are on the map, and deploying stones that have various effects or can be used to attack enemies. Due to having so much utility use, she doesn't hit especially hard, but she's a very interesting addition nonetheless. You can read more about her in our previous story.
Patch 3.14 also includes some console-specific features not seen in the recent PC version of the update. This includes a way to disable loading frame stats and a legacy controller layout that swaps the X-axis on the two sticks. This makes it so that you strafe with the right stick and turn the camera using the left stick, a setup that makes my head spin to just think about.
There are three new skins with this patch, including Pool Party Jing Wei, whose crossbow turns into a Super Soaker. There's also a version of Chang'e who transforms into a pumpkin on death, at which point her rabbit companion eats her before disappearing. You can see these and the comparatively unexciting Lord of Silence Osiris skin below.
3.14 adds new Achievements/Trophies for Isis, Tyr, and Serqet, adjusts Duel Mode so players can better take advantage of a kill, and increases the lobby timer in Assault. This mode assigns you a random character but lets you trade with teammates; you'll now have 15 additional seconds to sort out who plays what, which is much appreciated.
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There are also a limited number of balance adjustments this patch, including the return of power potions, which were removed recently. Artemis gets a scaling buff to make her more deadly in the late game. Erlang Shen's Ultimate heals for less and is easier for opponents to read. Bacchus' Ultimate debuff (the drunk effect) lasts a shorter amount of time. Jing Wei's movement abilities are now more responsive and Bolts costs less mana. Mercury and Hercules get small damage buffs, while Ra gets maybe the biggest buff of the patch--Divine Light and Celestial Beam both see an increase to their magic power scaling. Celestial Beam also now costs less mana.
You can check out the full patch notes on Smite's website.

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