Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Getting Open Beta, Majin Vegeta

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Getting Open Beta, Majin Vegeta An open beta for the highly-anticipated Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 has been announced, along with a new playable character and information about new Expert Mission mode.

It’s an exciting time to be a  Toriyama fan, as Bandai Namco has announced an open beta for the upcoming fighting game Dragon Ball Xenoverse, as well as confirming that Majin Vegeta will be a playable character in-game.
We’re around 2 months from the game’s expected release date and publisher Bandai Namco is ready to reveal new information about the latest game in the Dragon Ball franchise. Firstly, an open beta has been announced that will give players a chance to explore for themselves what features have changed since the release of the original Dragon Ball Xenoverse in 2015.
We don’t yet know what the beta will contain, though it’s likely that Dragon Ball fans are going to get their first look at Conton City – the new game hub shown off in the latest game trailer that is reportedly 7 times larger than that of the previous installment.
Besides the beta, the publisher also revealed that fan-favorite character Majin Vegeta will be making an appearance in-game. Rival to Goku, Vegeta’s Majin form was brought about by the evil wizard Babidi increasing the saiyan’s power level by harnessing the evil in his heart. While the form is unlikely to be returning in the currently-airing Dragon Ball Super, his departure from the DBZ series is one of the most memorable Dragon Ball scenes of all time.
dragon ball xenoverse 2 character world
Lastly, Bandai Namco unveiled its Expert Mission multiplayer gamemode. The Expert Mission mode will see 6 players banding together in order to fight giant NPC bosses such as the mighty Great Ape forms. What’s more, the game’s single player will reportedly be twice the length of Xenoverse‘s, which should please fans who want more gameplay before the endgame grinding begins.
Parallel Quests will also make an appearance, providing plenty of additional missions to be completed alone or through the title’s matchmaking service. A new system will also be in place for rare item drops, hopefully solving the issues with the endgame of Xenoverse being too RNG focused.
Only 3 months since the game’s official revealDragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is shaping up to be the best game that the franchise has seen in a long while. Another Dragon Ball title, Project Fusion, is also in development for the 3DS console, though it has not yet been announced as coming to the west. Given Dragon Ball‘s popularity throughout America and Europe, it wouldn’t be a bad move on Bandai Namco’s part to work on a western port but only time will tell for now.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 will be released on October 25 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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