During the Pokemon Go panel, which featured John Hanke, chief executive of Niantic, an image of the three new characters was shown, you can take a look at it below. Team Valor (best team) is led by Candela, Team Mystic has Blanche, and Team Instinct is headed-up by Spark.
During the panel, Hanke also discussed some of the other features Niantic is thinking about bringing to Pokemon Go. He stressed that he was not confirming these, only that they were under consideration. Among them is Pokemon Centers, which are used to heal and store monsters in the core games. It is unclear what function they'll serve in Pokemon Go, however.
On the subject of trading, Hanke said Niantic needs for the Pokemon Go servers to stabilise before they can introduce the ability to swap monsters with other players.
Pokemon Go has become a bona fide sensation and even provided a boost to Nintendo's stock price (despite Nintendo not being the developer and owning only a third of The Pokemon Company). It has also given other, unrelated businesses a boost. Pokemon Go continues to dominate the App Store.
Pokemon Go shows no sign of slowing down, despite analysts suggesting its popularity will taper off. The game launched in The Pokemon Company's home country of Japan on July 20 and has a McDonald's partnership.