All personal information Egyptian Ana new member to the list of champions Overwatch

Overwatch "Blizzard" finally Removed the unveiled its new personal acceding to the list of champions Overwatch, today.
According to the statement issued by the American studio, the new profile called "Ana", one of the personalities category supportive, used her gun and other abilities to heal her colleagues and injuring opponents at once, and the surprise they Pharah figure in the mother is also in the game; both of Mbartan.
And shed light on the weapons that you will use with Ana, we see that the first (Biotic Rifle), a rifle shooting in which arrows of the long-term treatment and cure health allies or damage to the enemy continuously, while the second is another gun (Sleep Dart), which caused a drop enemies to the ground They lost all of their awareness.
Besides those Abanndkiet, Ana possesses a weapon least, is a bomb (Biotic Grenade) heal your allies or damage to your enemies when standing inside the small area in the private space that the effect of such a bomb, an added benefit, all your allies gets a temporary increase in their health Shall was Naqsh- as well to prevent the enemies were in -alven into Toterha- from receiving any means of healing for a specific period of time.

Finally, the best capabilities Ana It (Nano Boost) thanks to which one of your allies turn into a super-soldier forces (Superpowered Soldier) and thus increases the damage inflicted by enemies -ahaliv-, it becomes a faster movement, with better damage resistance.
Apart from this theoretical talk, You Ana practical experience, but you will need a PC version of the Overwatch, and then will travel to the site and log in to your account or your area, then choose "PTR: Overwatch", Once you install the PTR, will be able to game the character of Ana as much as You want.
"Blizzard" Not content to provide personalized Ana, but confirmed the launch of renovation would bring about some changes to some of the heroes of the game, along with adding some general improvements to the totality.
At last forms noteworthy that Overwatch is currently available on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, xbox one, do not forget to watch your character Ana the teaser video below.

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