In the world of System Shock, the evil mega-corporation known as TriOptimum is indirectly responsible for the near-destruction of Earth, humanity, and at one point the literal fabric of reality. If it were a real company, I would be totally on board with that, as long as it sold this laptop.
The machine above is what you'll get if you pledge $5,000 or more to the recently launched System Shock reboot Kickstarter. It's a TriOptimum-themed version of the Razer Blade, one of the better-looking gaming laptops in its own right:

Unless Razer ends up selling these outside Kickstarter — which, to be clear, isn't actually a store — it appears that there will be 50 of these things in existence. Nobody should spend $5,000 to "buy" one, instead of looking at that money as a donation to Night Dive. But I have never wanted a Kickstarter reward, or a gaming laptop, more.
the laptop render says "Tripotimum," which my mind accidentally corrected on first viewing. This means that it's actually a replica of a black-market Chiba City hacker laptop based on the TriOptimum brand, which makes me like it even more