With E3 2015 done and dusted, we're all looking at what the future holds for games. But this year's expo focused on the immediate future--the games releasing this holiday season, and early next year. So what's in store for us beyond that? What could we be seeing at E3 2016? Here is everything that will likely take center stage, as well as a few blue-sky predictions of our own.
Nintendo - A new console, mobile games, and Zelda
The Nintendo Direct presentation
during E3 2015 focused very specifically on its more immediate upcoming
slate of games. With all of those to be released by the time E3 2016
rolls around, it holds that Nintendo is going to focus on what we've all
been waiting to hear about: the new Nintendo NX console. If the rumours that it's to begin manufacturing this October, then it's likely the console will be playable at the show.
We're also likely to hear about how Nintendo's quality of life initiative
plays into the NX console strategy, with more concrete details about
what it means for the games themselves. Beyond this, it's highly likely
we'll get a deeper look at Nintendo's approach to making mobile games - specifically, how those games differ from Nintendo's usual first-party console and handheld strategy.
On the games side, E3 2016 for Nintendo is going to be all about The Legend of Zelda for Wii U.
Its absence this year practically makes its appearance next year a
given. Because it's one of Nintendo's most beloved franchises, it can
easily stand toe-to-toe with the reveal of a new Nintendo console and still have people excited to play it on the Wii U.
Microsoft - A slim console, HoloLens, and Phantom Dust
Microsoft unveiled a controller refresh at E3 2015 with the Xbox One Elite gamepad, so what we'd like to see next year is a console refresh. The Xbox One
is the bulkiest and loudest of the current-gen platforms, and we
wouldn't be surprised if the equivalent of an Xbox One Slim console
design was announced. We can certainly expect more HoloLens announcements, and would be interested in seeing a game designed specifically for the augmented reality headset. As Microsoft announced that games such as Crackdown, Quantum Break, and Scalebound will be featured at Gamescom, the only remaining conspicuous absence this year was Phantom Dust. Considering its development troubles, could E3 2016 be the place to unveil a new developer and new direction for the game? We hope so.
Sony - Morpheus, The Last Guardian, and Final Fantasy VII
As the PlayStation 4 has already received an under-the-hood hardware refresh,
it's highly unlikely we'll see the announcement of a new console model
at E3 2016. Instead, it's more likely Sony's focus will be on the final,
commercially-available version of Project Morpheus--including an announcement of the VR headset's price, release date, and compatible games. Though The Last Guardian's
release date was announced this year as being 2016, given its history
we should be conservative and expect that it'll be in the later
half-which means we should get a much deeper look at it during next
year's E3. It would also be a missed opportunity for both Sony and
Square Enix not to show more of the Final Fantasy VII Remake--perhaps a first glimpse at some in-game footage?
All The Sequels - Watch Dogs 2, Titanfall 2, Red Dead Redemption 2
From Ubisoft, we can practically assume that there'll be a new Assassin's Creed on show. But the publisher needs a big reveal to close its press conference out with, as it did with Ghost Recon: Wildlands this year, and The Division prior to that. Our guess is that it will be Watch Dogs 2, but part of us also wants to see Beyond Good & Evil 2 finally receive the spotlight.
After the in-engine trailer EA delivered at E3 this year, it's likely the publishers' focus for E3 2016 will be on Mass Effect: Andromeda. With Star Wars Battlefront out of the way by then, we could also finally get a first look at Visceral's Star Wars game.
But an E3 without a multiplayer first-person shooter from EA wouldn't
feel right, so our guess is that the publisher will close off their
press conference with the reveal of a game we know is in development - Titanfall 2.
We don't know when Kingdom Hearts III
is releasing--but considering the extensive gameplay footage Square
Enix showed this year, it could be before E3 2016 hits. If not, expect
to see more of it at next year's show! We're also likely to get some
more concrete details on the next Nier game, but the big focus will undoubtedly be on Final Fantasy XV.
As for our blue-sky predictions, here is what we want to see. The next game from Warner Bros. Games Montreal - potentially a sequel to Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. A first, in-depth look at CD Projekt's next RPG, Cyberpunk 2077, is also well overdue. But perhaps we'll get a genuine surprise, such as Rockstar announcing a sequel to Red Dead Redemption, or even lifting the lid on its mysterious spy-themed game, Agent.
What do you want to see from E3 2016? Let us know in the comments below.