Destiny Children’s Book Coming to Bookstores Soon

Destiny Children’s Book Coming to Bookstores Soon

A children’s book based on sci-fi shooter Destiny, created by the artists and writers at Bungie, will be published and available at major booksellers very soon.

Destiny got a new surge of life this week with the release of Rise of Iron, Destiny‘s fall expansion and official kickoff to the game’s Year 3. Things are at a fever pitch for fans right now as they dive into the new content and prepare for the sci-fi shooter’s latest raid. Destiny continues to have a dedicated fan base, and it looks like Bungie is reaching out further than people’s consoles to bring the universe of Destiny to life.
A children’s book called D is for Destiny will be sold at major bookstores and online retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble starting October 4, available to fans and newcomers alike. D is for Destiny is a rhyming book that uses the fictional science-fantasy universe of Destiny to go through the alphabet. Here’s the official description from the book’s publisher, Insight Editions:
From the world of Destiny, this rhyming alphabet book takes young readers on a voyage through a universe of adventure. From Four-Armed Fallen to the Mysteries of Mercury and the Moon, D is for Destiny makes exploring the far reaches of the solar system as easy as A, B, C.
For dedicated fans, D is for Destiny may look like something they have seen before—and that’s because it is. The book, which was completely illustrated and written by the artists and writers at Bungie, was originally an internal Christmas gift given only to Bungie employees in December 2013.
As Bungie tells it, friends of employees starting seeing the book and asked when they could buy a copy as well. In 2014, Bungie self-published D is for Destiny and sold it on the company’s own online store. It is still available to purchase on
But with the publishing and distribution of Insight Editions, D is for Destiny will go from something that only fans have known about to a book that anyone shopping on Amazon or in a Barnes & Noble could find.
D is for Destiny uses words like Fallen, Cabal, and “Be Brave” to walk through the alphabet. And rhyming stanzas like this one for the Fallen:
Four-armed Fallen sail the Frontier.
Pirates in space, they live with no fear.
Their Houses are many, spread far and wide,
But when heroes take chase, they run off and hide.
Meanwhile, Destiny: Rise of Iron is available now on PS4 and Xbox One.

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